Hero Cultivation

Summoning Heroes

  • Summon more Heroes and acquire Heroes of higher qualities. Specific combos of Factions and Classes will generate higher combat power.

  • Summon Stones will be consumed per summon; Gold will be consumed for Summon x10.

  • Deploying a certain number of Heroes from the same Faction will activate Faction Bonds and get an attribute boost.

Upgrading Heroes

  • Level up your Heroes to quickly generate combat power in the early game.

  • Leveling up Heroes will consume Hero EXP and Silver. Specific levels consume Hero Badges.


  • Gear up your Heroes with Helmets, Weapons, Armor, and Boots.

  • Buff up your Gear with Essences and Silver.


  • Merge buffs up Heroes by raising their qualities and level caps.

  • Merge will sacrifice a number of Heroes of specific qualities, but gear and skills are returned to players.

  • The quality caps of Heroes are determined by their initial qualities. If a Hero has an initial quality of Purple, it can be leveled up to Red+ quality. If a Hero has an initial quality of Blue, it can be leveled up to Orange+.


  • By summoning new Heroes, players acquire their initial Forte (Ultra). The second Forte slot can be equipped with a Forte of your choice. Heroes can be enhanced by allocating and leveling up Forte.

  • There are six types of attributes for Forte: Combat, Survival, Function, Heal, Arcane, and Control. There are three types of rarity, S, A, and B. Some Fortes are limited to specific Hero classes.

  • Players can exchange unique Forte in the Forte Shop.

  • Leveling up Fortes will consume Forte Powder or Gold. Forte Powder can be acquired through summoning Heroes or completing levels in the main story.

Relic Collection

  • Relics form a unique system in Midgard Saga. The attributes acquired through unlocking Relics are effective for all Heroes.

  • Players collect Relics by acquiring Relic Shards in Abyss Cavern and Relic Pray. Relic Shards can be merged to get Relics. The unused Shards can be scrapped into Memory Beads. MBs can be used to exchange for items and Relic Shards.

  • Upgrading Relics improves attributes. It requires Time Sand. Time Sand can be acquired from the Abyss Cavern.

  • Acquiring all Relics of a Faction unlocks the Resonance, buffing up the effects of the Relics.

Hero Emblems

  • Level up the qualities of Heroes to unlock Emblems, which provide powerful attributes.

  • Emblems have a unique Emblem Tree mechanic. Unlocking higher Emblems requires early Emblems to be unlocked. There are nine Emblem Nodes in each Emblem Tree, including six minor nodes and three major nodes. Major nodes can be used to extract special attributes, whose buff effects are more promising.

  • Unlocking Emblems requires Emblem Books. If there are not enough EBs, players pay an equivalent amount of Gold.

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